The last mile of gravel road was a bumpy ride.
… but now we are here, standing among those old trees – trees that withstood many a harsh winter.
We only came here to tick this place off the list. To know for sure it would never be a place to consider: just another old, wooden cabin, a place down by the river that could never suit our needs.
… but now we are here, and there is a boat shed – mighty old timber painted in red.
End of last year the decision was definite: the decision not to even think of moving again soon. Not after one and a half year of renovating, relocating and a nightmarish workload to set up business, not with at least another year of hard project work ahead.
The plan was simple.
… but now we are here, at the edge of this small peninsula. It is a beautiful day with the sun glistening on the river, and with rays of warm light flooding through birch foliage.
Now we are here and maybe the plan needs to be changed.